Young lady drivers

Young lady drivers

Above: Gerald thought these two ladies were maids from Errwood Hall.  This photo of two young ladies posing in a car outside Errwood Hall has always intrigued me. Were they a couple of servants from the hall? Or perhaps friends of the Grimshawe...
John & Hannah Butler

John & Hannah Butler

Above: Captain John Butler and his wife, Hannah, are buried beneath a stone cross – the central one of the three shown here – in the Grimshawe family’s hill-top cemetery, above the ruins of Errwood Hall. Above: The inscription is now becoming hidden...
St Joseph’s Shrine

St Joseph’s Shrine

Inside St Joseph’s Shrine. Click to enlarge. Above: The Shrine is just a short walk from a small lay-by on the old Roman road known as The Street, which runs between Errwood Reservoir and Pym Chair (click to enlarge). Two walks on this website pass...
Gatehouse Cottage

Gatehouse Cottage

Click any of the photos below to view a larger image. The gates beside Errwood Cottage lead up to Errwood Hall. It’s just possible to spot the roof-tops of the hall amongst the trees in the far distance. This view shows it was two cottages rather than one....