More Goyt Valley postcards

More Goyt Valley postcards

Above: This illustration, which appears on the cover of Gerald Hancock’s wonderful booklet on the valley, would have been painted around 1900. My thanks to Michael Baines for allowing me to scan some of his wonderful postcards of the Goyt Valley. They include an...
Goyt Valley postcards

Goyt Valley postcards

Above: Goyt’s Bridge and the Goyt Valley were very popular spots for both artists and photographers. And picturesque postcards were sold in their thousands to the many visitors who came here. There are some wonderful views in the...
Goyt’s Bridge painting

Goyt’s Bridge painting

Above: I’ve tried to match features in the painting with an old map of Goyt’s Bridge. 1: The artist’s position and direction of view. 2: The small bridge over Shooter’s Clough as it meets the Goyt. 3: The...