Above: Joe and Prudence Hibbert feature in the video. They lived at Bunsal Farm and were the last family to leave the valley.
I’ve just posted another Goyt Valley video on YouTube – on the history of Fernilee Reservoir. It’s less than 10-minutes long, but took me the best part of a week. I think my brain is suffering from lockdown-fever! Simply click below to play. And the expand button to view in full screen.
It’s a follow-on to my history of Goyt’s Bridge. As well as the more recent one featuring old postcards of the valley. I think I’ve pretty much exhausted the subject now. Although I have been thinking of one following the route through the valley from the Cat & Fiddle to Fernilee, known as ‘one of the loveliest drives in Derbyshire’.
Click here to view all the videos on one page, including full-length versions of the 1932 films of the inauguration ceremony for Fernilee, and Goyt’s Bridge.

Joe and Prudence Hibbert were my great grandparents. Their daughter, Sarah Ellen (known as Nellie to most) was my grandmother. It’s a lovely write up regarding them leaving the Goyt to Parsley Hay, which must of taken days.